Search / Sort / Filter

When in the Discover section you can sort, search and filter images, projects and images to find content that you are looking for. It's a great way to find specific types of images and to explore the entire CGarchitect library which includes tens of thousands of images.


By default images and projects are always sorted by the Popular filter, but there are times when you may want to use a different sort option.

Popular: This sort option displays images ranked by quality as determined by our AI powered aesthetics prediction engine, user reputation, industry impact score as well as social feedback from users.

Trending: This sort option displays images rank based on social feedback (likes, comments and shares).  

Latest: This sort option displays images based on chronological order from newest to oldest


The filters section allows you filter images but software used, tags assigned to images, awards and by colour.


When applying filters, please note that you can also select the Sort filter as well.  Often more specific filters might not return results if it can't find the result in the smaller Popular or Trending filters. If this is the case, just toggle to the Latest sort option to search the entire database. This will always return results.

Software: If a user added software meta data to their uploaded images, you can search for images matching a list of dozens of different softwares in our database.  Note: this search can only return results of images that have software meta data applied.

Tags: By default all images on CGarchitect are automatically tagged by our computer vision AI, including all of our historical catalog.  Tag search will search both AI tags and custom user generated tags.

Award: Any awards awarded by CGarchitect to specific images or projects can also be searched using the award filter.

Find by Color: Every image on CGarchitect is analyzed by our computer vision AI to determine the most predominant colours in the image.  By using your mouse, you can select a specific colour and all images matching that predominant colour will be presented. This feature is only available to members with a PRO plan subscription

Find by Image

Find by Image is an AI powered search that uses image data as the search criteria.  This feature is super fun to play with and it's amazing what it can find. You can upload other renderings, photographs or almost any other type of photographic reference.  Experiment and see what you can find. This feature is only available to members with a PRO plan subscription

AI Image search works best if the image is no larger than 512 px wide, so be sure to resize your image reference before dragging the image onto the search box.

Search Similar

A sister Find by Image function can also be found when browsing any of the images on CGarchitect. If you click on an image and go to the Image view, you will find a "Similar Search" button on the right upper sidebar.  This submit the image you are looking at to the Find by Image AI search and returns results matching the image.  This feature is only available to members with a PRO plan subscription

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