Edit Profile

Why Complete my User Profile?

Your profile on CGarchitect unlocks many of the features and functions on CGarchitect.  We strongly encourage all users to ensure their profile is up to date and 100% complete. Your user profile is like the LinkedIn of Arch Viz.  It not only allows people in the industry to find you, but is also linked to all of your contributed content.


Unlike the old site, you no longer need a separate account for your personal and company work.  You only need one account. When you publish on CGarchitect you can chose if you publish as you personally or as your company.  Your company page is administered by your personal account.  If your account was migrated from the old site and you input your company name into Full Name field, you MUST correct this and set up a Company Page.

Personal Info

The personal info section Is where you will complete information about you personally. There are a few fields that deserve some special attention:

Full Name: This field should only contain your personal full name and not the name of your company.

Display Name: If you do not want your real first and last name to be displayed on the public parts of the site, you can use the Display Name field to create an alias that will be used instead. This field is optional.

Username: Your username is the handle used when naming your Personal Profile and Company Profile webpages. If you have a Pro account and also set up a custom domain, your username will be used as the subdomain. i.e.  username.cgarchitect.pro

Professional Info

The professional info section is where you enter information about your professional life and experience including your CV, Education, Employment history, availability, and other info relevant to your job eligibility. 

Company Pages

If you are the owner of a company and/or your account will be used to manage a company page, You must set up a company page so that you have the ability to post content and jobs under your company name. 

In order to create a company page on CGarchitect you must be the legal owner of that company or an assigned representative of that company. Taking ownership of a company page without authorization is against our terms of service and may result in both the banning of your account and possible legal prosecution.

To create a company page, simply press the Create Company button and then enter in the name of your company. If it already exists in our database you can take ownership of it. Otherwise you create the Company Name in our database.

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